In Daddy’s Arms

When it comes to birth and the first hours afterwards, often Dads/ partners are overlooked. We know how important skin to skin time is for Mom and new baby, but what about for the Father/ partner? In a world where many fathers are uninvolved or barely involved in their children lives, and are often even referred to as simply sperm donors, what if the things done in labor/birth and afterwards, could literally rewire the father’s brain towards feeling more connection and a greater desire to protect and nurture? Is this possible? Experience and science say yes. One easily implemented thing to help is skin to skin time between Dad and the newborn in the first hours after birth.


In one study of skin to skin care (SSC) from dad to newborn immediately following cesarean sections, the newborn was found to have physiological benefits including better regulation of vital signs, better breastfeeding, and the fathers were shown to have less anxiety and depression.

Through the years I have heard many father’s express that they felt more connected to their new baby from the start after experiencing a homebirth and especially when they were able to cuddle baby skin to skin in the first hours after birth. This is not to say they did not love and feel connected to their other children, they just noticed a difference right away. They didn’t have to work as hard to feel close.


In this integrative review of 12 studies: “Father-infant skin-to-skin contact had positive impacts on infants' outcomes, including temperature and pain, bio-physiological markers, behavioural response, as well as paternal outcomes, which include parental role attainment, paternal interaction behaviour, and paternal stress and anxiety.”

If you haven’t already planned to implement skin to skin time for father/ partner immediately following your birth, there are plenty of wonderful reasons to consider doing so. Talk to your provider about this option.

When we say skin to skin, what do we mean? Dad/ partner removes their shirt and place baby in just a diaper laying upright, belly and chest against dad’s belly/ chest. A great time to do this is after baby has finished their first breastfeeding session. We usually have Dad take baby for skin to skin while we help Mom go to the bathroom and shower or bathe if desired.

(Images provided by Devon Carlo with Devon Rae Photography out of Artesia, NM)