“Liz Derry is gentle and understanding in matters of birth. She coached me through the pregnancy, labor and delivery of my second child and I was so happy to have not only a skilled professional, but a dedicated friend at my side. Her gifts to stay calm and supportive come naturally and I am so thankful she attended my birth. I was blessed by her peace and I still recall her help to be like that of an angel.”
 -Carrie, Corpus Christi, TX

“Liz was not just a midwife, but a friend, mentor, and therapist. She was the first to touch my baby boy and was always so soothing and helpful in every way. If I had an emotional problem, she was there and that goes for any problem in my pregnancy. She was especially amazing during labor and I couldn’t thank her or show her how much she meant to me for being so supportive and wonderful after the birth too. The day I met her there was an automatic connection due to her genuine personality and kind heart. She made sure that I had the birth I wanted and encouraged me to be the mother I wanted to be. I don’t think I could have had a better experience without Liz. She was seriously an angel in the whole process and can’t be any more thankful. I am still telling others how much of a godsend she was/is. My baby was posterior and there’s no doubt I would have ended up with a c-section if I were in the hospital, but with Liz’s help she made sure that we had a natural vaginal birth right there in my own home. When I become pregnant again, Liz will be the first person I call. Thanks for everything Liz! We really appreciate everything.”

-Tera, Corpus Christi, TX

“For me, the mother in law, it had been almost 25 years since I had experienced child birth. Meeting you at the hospital door that morning seemed to add a calmness for us all. As you explained to us what was going on all during the process, this just seemed to give us an assurance as we moved thru this amazing event. In my opinion, you made this new Mother and Dad more self assured and confident as they delivered their beautiful baby boy. Thank you Liz for being there for us all! I would certainly recommend your services, especially to a new couple having their first child. How comforting it was to have your knowledge and experience by our side as we watched Bo being brought into this world. Thank you from one proud Grandmother!!”


“I highly recommend Liz Derry and Bay Area birth [now Otero Birth]. I had such an amazing birth and I will always be so thankful she was my midwife. She is so passionate about what she does and it truly shows through her work. I can’t say thank you enough Liz"

-Holly, Corpus Christi, TX

“Liz’s presence at our birth was so much more of a blessing than I had even imagined. Because I have Type 1 Diabetes, I was ruled out from a home birth, and my OB ended up deciding to induce me (with IV Pitocin) at 38 weeks. I wasn’t sure how my original dream of having a natural childbirth would fit into that situation nor how Liz’s role as a doula would change with a conventional hospital birth. Liz was such an amazing support through prenatal classes, which helped prepare me for laboring through contractions, and during the labor, especially up until the point I decided to get an epidural. I had a rare complication and ended up having a post partum hemorrhage and ended up going into surgery after the birth of our son, Boden. During this time, Liz was a vital support to my family by explaining the situation and reassuring them. I’m so thankful that Liz was a part of the birth of our first child, and I would most definitely recommend her to anyone considering having a doula assisted hospital birth.”

-Evie, Corpus Christi, TX

“Liz was my doula for my son’s hospital birth. It was such a relief to have someone available to help educate me on what I was about to go through. Liz visited my home several times to discuss labor and delivery, breastfeeding, and a million… other things I had questions about. Even after my son was born she made sure to visit and check on how I was doing and how breastfeeding was going. She’s a wonderful support and she has a wealth of information. I highly recommend her, especially if you are like I was: a first time mom that had no clue what birth really entailed.”

-Cassie, Corpus Christi, TX

“Liz is phenomenal! She has been present at the birth of both of our children. She was the best blessing my husband and I could have ever hoped for when delivering our son Tristan. Her patience, caring words and ability to help me focus on the end result of labour was amazing. She is what every woman needs to help get through the trials and tribulations of the labour process. I could go on forever as to how much we appreciated all her guidance before, during and after the birth of our son, but it is suffice to say that she is wonderful and I would recommend her a million times over. Liz is the best of the best Corpus Christi!!”  

-Terri, Corpus Christi, TX

 “She is awesome! She did a wonderful job of caring and attending for our family. She has great patience and understanding. I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for a skilled doula.”

-Jesus(Father), Corpus Christi, TX

 “I came across Bay Area Birth, whether by pure chance or completely in God‘s plan, soon I found myself preparing for labor with such a nurturing, kind hearted, professional midwife, Liz Derry. Along with working with Liz, I also had the opportunity to work with and get to know her assistant Melinda Pond and Doula, Alysia Dement. Each prenatal visit was a learning experience for me. There wasn’t a single visit from Liz and Melinda that I didn’t learn something helpful or useful, but more importantly, each visit was so much more personal than any visit to a obstetrician or even family doctor. I am completely convinced that if it wasn’t for Alysia’s efforts and hours of putting my needs before her own, were what kept active labor going so smooth for me. She definitely has a natural feel for assisting in child birth. Tiffani Cisneros, is a talented, professional photographer, that was present during my labor and captured all of the most beautiful and crucial moments through out Trustan’s birth. Meeting and getting to know Liz had opened so many doors leading to such a beautiful and easy home water birth and what I consider, four new life long friends.”

-Kayla, Corpus Christi, TX

"Liz Derry...Where to begin? :) Lets start with the immense passion and knowledge she has for what she does.  She makes you feel very capable that you CAN do what God put us here to do.  To bring a beautiful precious life into this world.  I immediately felt a very strong bond with Liz, not only emotionally but spiritually as well. I will most definitely have Liz as my midwife for my next homebirth. I couldn't imagine any one else bringing our children into this world."

-Brianna, Victoria, TX

"I LOVE the whole team at Bay Area Birth, they are amazing and were so vital when it came to making my dream birth experience come true.  Our fist son was born at a hospital and my birth plan was not honored and my doctor did not help to see any of my wishes happen, it was traumatic and scarring.  Liz knew everything that we wanted and empowered my husband and I to believe in our abilities, we had a beautiful water birth at home and my husband caught, I can not recommend Bay Area Birth enough!!!"

-JoAnn, Ingleside, TX

"Liz Derry is an amazing midwife! We've had hospital birth and home birth and from experience, home birth is way better. Liz allows you to let your birth experience be what you want it to be.  She offers a variety of packages and has a great team that works with her.  We highly recommend her, you will not be disappointed!"

-Joshua, Ingleside, TX

"Liz was my midwife during my last pregnancy and birth when my baby girl was born 01-11-13.  There are no words for how awesome of a person she is as a mother, friend, and midwife.  She's compassionate beyond measure and catered to my every need and desire for 10 months.  She brought a peace to my pregnancy.  She respected my birth plan and involved my hubby and kiddos.  WE shared laughs plenty.  At the same time I always felt so informed and educated along the whole journey.  I had a beautiful 2nd VBAC water birth thanks to Liz's commitment and sacrifice to travel over 2.5 hrs to come see me.  I owe her the moon.  I Love her so much.  I highly recommend her services."  

-Nicole, Harlingen, TX

“I can't thank Liz enough for everything she has done for me & my family these past few months. I'm so blessed that she was willing to travel to Carlsbad for all my appointments & homebirth. I love that my appointments weren't rushed in any way & I could easily get a hold of her with any concerns or questions.
She was even so kind to come down one weekend to help work on my families house we were building through Habitat for Humanity. She goes above & beyond for her clients & you can tell she loves what she does!
I had my 6th baby 2 weeks ago at home. This was my first homebirth & I really wish I had all my baby's at home. I was a bit anxious about my upcoming birth but Liz is such a calming presence, very knowledgeable about birth, & she really eased my fears both before & during the birth. I'm extremely happy I decided to use a midwife & have a homebirth.
If you are looking for a midwife, Liz is amazing & you won't be disappointed!”

-Brenda, Carlsbad, NM

“Whithout Liz, I wouldn't have been able to have the birth experience I envisioned! I am truly thankful and very grateful!

When I got pregnant I knew I wanted a homebirth, but my husband said no way. After meeting with Liz the very first time he changed his mind and felt good about this decision, too.

I couldn't have asked for better care! Liz always had an answer to all the questions we've had and always took her time to make sure everything was explained well and all our questions were answered!

At every moment I felt supported and cared for the best way possible. I felt safe throughout my entire labor and birth of my sweet baby boy Luke.

The birth of our first baby was incredibly empowering!

Thank you for all you have done for us! You're amazing and incredibly awesome!”

-Eva, Alamogordo, NM

“Second to having my heathy baby boy, Liz was the biggest blessing I had during my pregnancy and my labor. I contacted Liz after deciding that a hospital birth setting was not what I desired and I was not going to settle for a hospital birth just because that is what our Tricare insurance covered. Liz worked with me through my fears and concerns, and with her help and guidance I was able to have a healing birth after the less than ideal hospital birth with my daughter. During my labor, Liz had the calmest presence and reassured me that I DO have the strength to deliver my baby naturally. I had a beautiful home water birth that was everything I wanted and needed! When my postpartum care with Liz was over a part of me was really sad. I've enjoyed her company and our talks. Alamogordo, NM has truly gained an outstanding midwife!”

-Jess, Holloman AFB, NM

“ So sometimes I don't know how to put it all into words but if you're unsure about what home birth or using a midwife is like I can tell you easily, it's much like making a new close friend who is also a specialized medicine woman. She is a truly gentle soul and helped me understand my patient rights which became huge in my pregnancy at around 24 weeks along. I knew even before I had kids that an at home birth was what I wanted, I remember researching it years before and I don't remember exactly where I had heard about it but I knew home birth was for me. If you're considering and your scared or think OMG it's unsanitary or unsafe, it's actually cleaner than a hospital with hundreds or thousands of sick patients with their families trafficking in and out bringing their germs and all the staffs germs as well, it's literally you and your few family members whose germs you're already used to in your house. Safety it's safer to give birth at home in a few ways, your body feels safer at home so therefore typically easier to progress through labor (with mine I will say once it started it didn't really slow down I just needed the right motivation to keep pushing). You're less likely to have complications simply because of your environment which you can control unlike a hospital setting. Your patients rights are less likely to be compromised and with that alone are more likely to have less trauma from birth, even if your birth is positive and I hope it is, the body and mind still marks labor as a form of trauma (as it should, great TED talk on hypnotherapy). I will say Liz made me feel at ease, even with our first appointment I was nervous meeting her and the assistant (Darrell) but it became a little bit like girl time, it really did revolve around the pregnancy and the things that go with it but it was very much like talking to a professional who was also like a mother figure (especially to us first timers, and sometimes pregnancy makes you have I want my mommy moments). All appointments went so well it was easy to schedule because SHE CAME TO MY HOUSE, who does that????………..Liz does. It was comfortable to have her in my home and get to know her and her assistants (she has a few and most are doulas which is super helpful in labor). I can tell you that when my OBGYN told me that something was required and I handed him his ass and told him HEY I'M IN CHARGE NOT YOU, she supported me and I was able to have all my medical records sent to her without any issue. She gave me so much practical information about self care and how supplements or exercise or meditation can help during pregnancy and making it as comfortable and healthy as possible, she gives you SO MANY OPTIONS as well as reminds you regularly that YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT, it was easy to talk to her and find out realistic information about what could happen to my baby and it helped ME make the decisions that I felt were best for me and baby girl. A home birth made a birth plan easy because I felt like I was already getting what I wanted and I got to also make a few simple requests such as my meditation video, candles, keeping it dark, I had food and drink, I could or couldn't have family if I wanted, my husband was there 100% and I feel like he was also supported without being overwhelmed or pushed aside like he most likely would've been in a hospital. Liz basically knows everything, she's been doing this so long, for example, her instincts are so spot on, she knew I was having back labor and that it most likely was something going on we couldn't see and sure enough my cervix was in the way and so it intensified my contractions BUT she held my cervix open so the babies head could come through and labor continued and it went smoothly. I will say if you've never given birth it doesn't matter how many child birth classes your take or books you read you will learn to give birth WHILE GIVING BIRTH and Liz and Keira were there and so supportive and encouraging and I did make it through WITHOUT DRUGS AND NO INTERVENTIONS. I would literally do this again, even if I don't live in the area I intend to call and book her for a solid month if I have to, I don't want another midwife I want Liz. Baby girl is 6 months now and I can tell you I feel personally like I see a difference in her and a few other children who were born in the hospital with or without medication, I feel like she also had a great experience being birthed and supported by mom, dad, grandmas and of course my midwife and her assistant (awesome doula). I also received breastfeeding support from Liz, Kiera and local doula Katrina and we definitely struggled in the beginning and Liz also pin pointed that my child had gotten dehydrated and we were able to get some tips and had a quick turn around for her and had much better luck making sure she was nursing and not struggle so much to latch and get milk expressed. I was also able to contact Liz just a few weeks ago because I had a painful Bleb (they're the devil) and with some research and her helpful tips we got it fixed in a few hours. I loved all the post partum care and support I got from her, I had struggled so much with fatigue in the first few weeks and was showing symptoms of depression and she really encouraged me to reach out and just know she makes herself available night and day for first time moms especially and I really struggled with cluster feeding and breastfeeding pain and was able to text her in the middle of the night and she responded quickly I was truly grateful to have her help in the thick of mother hood. I miss our appointments and once you've had her apart of your birth experience she leaves a positive mark and it feels like a friend moved away or maybe like when the wonderful Marry Poppins leaves the Banks family, it's truly bittersweet when your last appointment is done. You will not regret having a home birth and if you choose a hospital but deiced you want her on your side it will be the best decision you'll make as a part of your birth plan. LOVE YOU LIZ AND KIARA THANK YOU FOR A WONDERFUL PREGNANCY AND BIRTH EXPERIENCE.”

—Katie, Hobbs, NM

“Liz, at Bay Area Birth [now Otero Birth], is amazing! She is super woman. Not only is she there for you for the medical side of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, she is there for you emotionally as well. I was a needy first time mom during pregnancy, birth, …and beyond. Liz was there for me anytime I needed her, with a smile and the exact advice/plan that I needed. I truly believe that had I not had Liz at my side during my labor I would have ended up with a c-section. She worked with me and helped me to move my baby into the optimal position. She was with me through three days and 57 hours of labor, then helped me through 4 hours of pushing and about 5 more hours of postpartum care. She never complained about the lack of sleep or even showed that she was tired. I would recommend her to my sister, my best friends, and anyone else who asks. I cannot see how anyone makes it through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum without her support and care. I am sad to loose out on our visits as I am approaching my six weeks postpartum. I will be attending as many Bay Area Birth events as possible, just so I can see her. I can’t wait till my next pregnancy. I will definitely use Liz again!”

-Rachel, Corpus Christi, TX

 “I had Liz as my midwife. I am not much of a writer but I do want to say that Liz was wonderful! I had an uneventful pregnancy and home birth. Liz was always very thorough and was sure to answer every one of my questions until I was completely satisfied. She was very patient and kind. I was fortunate to have been recommended to her and will go to her first if I plan to have another baby.”  

-Erin, Victoria, TX

I loved my home birth!! It was so much better than I expected. I have had two c-sections in the hospital and one birth at home, I healed faster at home with zero medications than I did at the hospital. Even my husband loved birthing at home.
— Lindsey, Rockport, TX

 “ I’m here to say that Liz is AWESOME!! I moved to the area a little more than halfway through my pregnancy, and she so wanted me to have the birth experience I wanted that she worked with me financially, and also was my first friend here! She answered any questions and concerns (which were many because I have anxiety issues : ) ) completely and MORE THAN ONCE. She always put my mind at ease when I had moments of anxiousness, and she was always available to me when I needed to text or call about something. On the day of labor she came over right away and waited with me and kept me calm and nourished while we waited for things to pick up. And here is the most amazing thing about Liz… even with my husband and my mother there, her demeanor is so calm and nurturing that when things got “intense” during transition, all I wanted was LIZ next to me!! Haha I made everyone else go away! And she was able to calm me even though I was scared right at the end. Liz and her team were awesome at my birth, and even when I was afraid there was never, ever a moment that I did not feel SUPPORTED and SAFE with them there holding my hand and saying all the right things. Thank you Liz, Melinda, and Alysia, for being there for me for the most empowering and beautiful event thus far in my life!"

-Danielle, Corpus Christi

"We were so grateful to have Liz as our midwife. My husband and I were apprehensive and discussed the "what if's" before meeting with Liz for the first time. With our first baby, I was induced at the hospital, and we were disappointed with our experience. However, we still had what I now think is a misconception-- that homebirths aren't as safe. After a couple visits, I knew that if anything were to happen, Liz would know exactly what to do, and that it would be in the best interest of me and the baby (which I feel is often not the case in the hospital setting). Also, Liz's calm, in-control demeanor and nurturing personality would be exactly what I would need to reassure me.

Our new baby is 6 weeks old, and today will be the last visit with Liz. It's been such a great experience, and I've looked forward to seeing her every visit to discuss health, nutrition, raising kids... Liz is so knowledgeable, and I credit my great birth experience and quick, easy recovery to the excellent prenatal care I received. If I had any questions, I always felt comfortable texting Liz, calling her, contacting her on facebook... Towards the end of my pregnancy I had horrible round ligament pain. I was worried that something was wrong, and I texted Liz at 6 in the morning. She responded right away, and came over to check on me before she began her day. Like most others have mentioned, Liz was a wonderful healthcare provider, but also became a friend. The morning our son was born at home, my husband and I were both permanently converted. Liz has been absolutely amazing, and we would be lucky to have her as our midwife in the future."

-Sylvia, Corpus Christi, TX

“I cannot recommend Liz and Bay Area Birth enough. I was blown away by the extreme lengths she went to to make me happy and prepared for the birth of my daughter at home. From the first interview to the final 6 week postnatal I LOVED having Liz be a part of my birth journey. I now have a beautiful daughter, an awesome birth story, confidence in myself through the roof, and a life long friend in Liz!”

-Melissa, Corpus Christi, TX

"I will never forget the first time I met Liz when we had our first talk when I was 35 weeks pregnant.  There she was at my door step smiling and willing to respond to every single question any crazy pregnant mom has, about un-medicated births.

Her kinhdness and good manners, her loving way of talking and her patience when she listens are her best assets.  The childbirth classes were  really a reminder of the importance of empowerment that women have when bringing our babies to this world and it helped my husband and I reconnect and concentrate on the soon to be new arrival.

We had a hospital un-medicated birth and having Liz next to us made us feel in absolute control at all times.  More than a doula, a great midwife, an experienced mom, and a great woman, she  has become a wonderful friend that is changing the way we live motherhood and our birth experience on a lot of women in this City.

Thank you Liz for taking the initiative and for the way you guide us to have a great day in receiving Alan to our crazy family."

-Ivonne, Corpus Christi, TX

"Oh where to start...Liz!! I came about meeting Liz through my chiropractor.  Not knowing a thing about midwifery or really natural birth in general, I came into her care blind.  Liz held my hand through EVERYTHING.  AS a first time mommy I was blown away at her knowledge of the field.  I text/called her with every single question imaginable.  She never made me feel like it was a silly question or worry.  She nurtured my every need.  This quality is priceless.  I had one false alarm two weeks before my actual delivery. Liz was with me for hours.  I never felt pressured or like she had something better to do.  I always felt like her #1 priority.  Then on my sweet Lilly's birthday, I was in labor for 24 hours.  Liz stayed the entire time.  Since ALL my prenatal visits had been at my home, Liz and I had such a comfort together that again I never had any feelings of worry or nervousness.  This trait I continue to repeat because it made the actual birth process so very smooth.  I never once had any feelings of worry.  Liz's knowledge and calming presence is worth a million dollars! This being my first birth, my one concern was of course the "unknown", but with Liz's calming presence and caring, kind hearted demeanor, I had a smooth, beautiful drug free birth and me and my husband will forever be indebted to Liz Derry.  I will recommend her and all of her associates to anyone...EVER!"

-Allison, Corpus Christi, TX

"Liz gives her all to her clients and is passionate for safe and satisfying births.  Having Liz as our doula allowed us to focus on what could go right while she supported us through whatever happened. We went on to have a smooth and quick childbirth.  Liz stayed with me post-partum for support when my baby couldn't be with me.  I'm so thankful for Liz and her dedication to normalizing birth in our community and empowering moms to nourish their bodies and birth naturally."

-Leah, Corpus Christi, TX


"Liz made the entire pregnancy and birth experience so much more special. She gave us the kind of attention that a doctor in a hospital never would have, and made us feel like we were important, and not just another patient. Thank you, Liz!"
 -Travis, Corpus Christi, TX

“Liz is an amazing , caring and knowledgeable Midwife. She honors informed consent and most important to me as a Mother, is beyond supportive of individual decision making! Her steadfast , calm and kind personality made our whole experience with her as a Midwife a one of a kind , loving and supportive experience that I’m am so thankful for . She saw us and supported us in the comfort of our own home though pregnancy and Birth . I have 4 kids and two of those were Home Births .
I would recommend Liz and her Team to anyone looking to conceive or planning a Home Birth . Midwifery to Liz is a calling and not a job and it shows in every way!You couldn’t go wrong choosing Otero Birth as your Midwife! We are forever Grateful, Thank you Liz”

-Hannah, Tularosa, NM

“I moved to New Mexico from Puerto Rico only a few months before my estimated due date and was afraid I wouldn't be able to have a home birth due the few midwives available to my area and the costs. Liz Derry was an answer to my prayers! She was willing to travel to me and has the most calm, kind spirit. I instantly felt comfortable with her. She always maintained communication and answered all my questions quickly. Her advice and presence during my second son's birth was invaluable and I am so grateful for such a perfect experience after a recent move!”

-Cherish, Carlsbad, NM

“The care and compassion I have received goes above and beyond any expectations I may have had. Liz has been wonderful with us and I highly recommend her for anyone who is thinking of having or wanting to have a home birth. Our experience was amazing and we will cherish every second that we have had on this beautiful journey to bring our beautiful son into this world.”

LaShelle, Artesia, NM

“Just delivered our sweet baby boy on the 29th with Liz! She was such a calming energy to have at the birth. Even before labor began I felt such a strong connection to her, she never made me feel silly for asking a question & validated all of my concerns. I never felt that my worries were looked over or that I was unsatisfied with the care I received. I wish I could've used her for all of my pregnancies!”

-Andrea, White Sands Missile Range, NM

“I love Liz, she is the most kind, sensitive, loving woman. I was seriously a complicated client... Many text all times of the day. Not only did she care for me as per midwifery standards, she coached me emotionally too. I struggled emotionally while pregnant and she was always there to listen and encourage me. I looked forward to every appointment with her and wish she could've come daily, that's how much I enjoyed her company! When it came time for my birth she was exactly what I needed. She respected all of my wishes which I love so much. If you're having a baby she is the one you want by your side. My home birth was everything I ever imagined it could be.”


“ I honestly can't scream her praises enough I just had my 12 week check up and or whole family will miss her greatly. she's amazing in everyway. she helped me get my dream birth. she was never over bearing she never made me feel too fat or too anything just always helpful. you need her trust me. I had a beautiful boy born encaul mother's day morning and she was amazing every step of the way.”

—Christiana, Holloman AFB

“ omg!!! where do i begin.... Mrs Liz defenitly is the one you want to assist you in the birth of your child ...this woman comes to your home ...she longs to know your desires she supports and educates you to the fullest .Liz also is there with evidence to help you feel more comfortable with your home birth .Sometimes you meet someone and you just LOVE them and feel as though they are family ...this is her .She has an extreme passion for birthing families.Looking for a home birth in new mexico??? shes your gal”

—Kiara, Clovis, NM

“We decided to go with Liz late in our pregnancy due to the COVID. We could not be happier with our experience. Liz and Emily were outstanding coaches in our birthing process. In addition to the birthing process, they have a great network of support and information. Liz helped us find a great chiropractor and get our little one off to a great start in life. If you are concerned about the cost, please rest assured this is the best value in all of the medical industry. We are first time parents and truly enjoyed the personal support and care we received.”

—Anthony, Arabela, NM